The majority of these artistic works date to the late 1970s through early 1980s. Diverse themes and media are represented. Ceramic vessels and sculptures are made using raku clay body and firing methods. In the same period, Stiner also produced a number of oil paintings, one of which is shown below (a reindeer herd in the mist, a theme also represented in some of her ceramic works). The long interval between her production of ceramic art and oil paintings and the recent watercolor paintings (see other pages of this website) was taken up with graduate training and an academic profession in Anthropology (Archaeology). Like so many artists, Stiner has a day job that does not focus on producing art (at least not so much). She is very thankful for and loves this job, which also requires much creative energy.
Portrait of the artist and her art, 1980s
BELOW ARE ROLLING PHOTOS BY GENERAL THEMES (raku pots and containers, plaques, animal characters from "The Monster Picnic", and so on: CLICK ON IMAGES TO GO THROUGH THEM SEQUENTIALLY
Reindeer in mist (oil painting) 1977
Carving by Stiner, 1990s